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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Acai Aid For Vision

As the old saying goes, “the eyes are the windows to the soul.” The trouble starts when the windows become blurry, preventing you from appreciating all the beautiful sights to behold. Having vision problems with one’s eyesight can be incapacitating. Your daily menial tasks can become a challenge when your vision is impaired.

Common Vision Disorders

  • Macular Degeneration

It is an age-related disorder involving the breakdown of the macular area of the retina of the eye. The retina is a multilayered sensory tissue at the back of the eye. They capture light rays and convert them into electrical impulses interpreted by the brain as vision.

Acai and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia


Benign prostatic hyper..what?!? Don’t let the term intimidate you. It is a common occurrence and has been a constant cause of dilemma for the aging male population. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, otherwise known as BPH or nodular hyperplasia refers to a condition in which the prostate gland enlarges with age. It is non-malignant in nature, but can cause difficulties in urination by blocking the urine outflow. Surgical intervention may be required to achieve relief from an enlarged prostate.

What is Prostate Gland?

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland found in males, weighing approximately 20 gms, located beneath the urinary bladder, in front of the rectum, and surrounding the urethra (the tube where urine passes through). It is mostly made up of glandular tissues that secrete the alkaline milky fluid which forms part of the seminal fluid. It enables the sperm to survive the acidic environment of the vaginal canal. The rest of the gland is comprised of smooth muscles which aid in the ejaculation process.

Acai and Menopause


Menopause is a natural occurrence that happens to every woman, most often between the ages of 45 and 55. It is diagnosed after a woman stops having a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months. This period also signals that a woman can no longer conceive and bear a child. Although menopause doesn’t actually happen until there’s no menstrual flow after 12 months, people commonly refer to it as the entire transition period wherein the bodily changes occur.

Acai Berry and High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension is common among adults living in highly developed countries. The subject of stress plays only a part in the development of high blood pressure. Several factors are to blame. It can be due to other concomitant diseases or can occur independently. It can lead to bigger problems to different organs in the body if left untreated. It is considered a silent killer if you are not aware that you have it.

Acai Berry For The Treatment Of Thyroid Symptoms

The thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is the structure located just in front and below your larynx or voicebox, weighing about 15-20 grams. It has 2 lobes joined by the isthmus. It is classified as an endocrine gland whose principal function is to synthesize and secrete thyroid hormones.

What are hormones?

Hormones are substances that are formed in specific tissues, acting like a messenger that delivers instructions to the different tissues and organs of the body. These hormones have a limited capacity for storage therefore its release in the bloodstream is controlled by the rate at which it is formed.

Acai Berry with Heart Medications

Can acai berry mend a broken heart? If the broken heart pertains to a heart disease that continues to be one of the leading causes of deaths, acai may help tame it before it becomes a full blown killer.

Heart diseases encompass a variety of conditions relating to the cardiovascular system. It may involve the ability of your heart to pump out blood, its valves, your blood vessels, and more instances that compromise the function of your heart.

Acai Comapared to Mangosteen

Acai and mangosteen are among the fruits considered to have powerful health benefits. You may have asked yourself, “Which one do I take?” or “Can I have take of them at the same time?” The answer lies on the goals you want to achieve and the reason behind taking these supplements.

The two popular health products work hand in hand and can be taken together. However, they have unique characteristics that work differently when used in treating various diseases.

Where is the most suitable place for cultivation?

The açai palm is native to and is only grown in tropical Central and South America, growing mainly in floodplains and swamps.

Acai for Energy Boost Due to Vitamins

Who would have thought that such a small, purple fruit like the acai berry contains a variety of vitamins that can give a person a much needed energy boost? This energy boosting factor can be attributed to the fact that acai berry contains vitamin B3, also known as niacin. Aside from that, there are a lot of other vitamins found in a single acai berry fruit. Here is a rundown of the different vitamins contained in acai berry, as well as their health benefits.

Vitamin A

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind whenever vitamin A is mentioned is the fact that it is for the eyesight.Also known as retinol, vitamin A is important for the improvement and maintenance of one’s vision. Aside from that, vitamin A also functions as an immune system regulator, helping create white blood cells that fight against bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. Vitamin A also has a role in bone growth and protection of respiratory, urinary, and intestinal linings.

Acai For Menopause Symptoms


Menopause is a perfectly normal event that occurs in the mid or late forties. It signifies the end of the female reproductive cycle commenced in early adolescence.

There are several misconceptions about menopause: many women going through this change feel they are growing old and that they are past the prime physical vigour stage of life. Other women feel that menopause brings with it a cessation of sexual pleasure but these beliefs are are far from true.

Acai for the Management of Diabetes Associated Arthritis

The connection may not be readily obvious, but there is a thin line that connects diabetes and arthritis. New studies show that diabetics are more likely to develop arthritis in their lifetimes than those who are not diabetics. The reason is simply because the disease process of diabetes affects nearly all the systems of the body, and the musculoskeletal system is not spared from that. Whether it’s rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, they are both diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Acai for the Management of Menstrual Pain

Every girl dreads that time of the month when she has to endure the pains accompanying menstruation. Although the severity of menstrual pain varies from girl to girl, it is surely an uncomfortable feeling that no one wants to experience.

Menstrual cramps and age

According to statistics, menstrual pain is the number one reason why women younger than 30 years old absent themselves from work or from school. Worse, 10% of these women who experience menstrual cramps are temporarily disabled by the pain and other symptoms.

Acai For The Prevention And Treatment Of Asthma

Respiratory diseases are always troublesome, and asthma is definitely no exception. Asthma affects around 22 million Americans, both children and adults alike. During the 1930s, asthma was believed to be a psychosomatic disease, with its main symptom wheezing interpreted as a suppressed cry for a child’s mother. It was once treated using psychoanalysis and “talking cures,” but people nowadays know better. Asthma is a chronic physiological disease that requires physiological interventions.

Acai’s Ability To Neutralize Free Radicals –Its Impact on Cancer Research

We are living in this era of increasing cancer cases due to frequent exposure to toxins and various forms of health hazards that have recently surfaced. You have probably heard the term “free radicals” over and over again. You know it’s a bad thing that’s frequently associated with cancer and other disease processes. How do you stop it from causing havoc to your health? Are we completely helpless against it?

Acai Help for Psoriasis Sufferers

Are you thinking that you are probably the only one in the world who is suffering from psoriasis? Well, you are wrong. Thousands of people suffer everyday from the itchiness, pain, and discomfort that psoriasis brings, and because of that, a lot of so-called psoriasis remedies have surfaced in the market, from psoriasis creams to oral medications. But before we get down to the remedies for psoriasis, let us first define what psoriasis is.

Acai vs. Mangosteen, which supplement is best for me?

Acai or Mangosteen, which supplement is best for me? This can be a bit confusing as the two do seem similar is some ways. The key to which supplement is right for you lays in what you're trying to fix. That said, there's nothing wrong with taking both together. In fact, when taken together acai and mangosteen enhance each other. The only thing you have to make sure of is that you get a proper product, like that sold by Natural Home Cures. However, if you only want to take one supplement, the following is quick comparison of some common problems and which one product would be best for it:

Digestion and Stomach Conditions

Acai is best for this type of condition. It's high source of fibre contributes to digestive tract and colon health. In addition to that, acai contains many phytosterols, compounds that come from the cell membranes of plants and provide such benefits as the reduction of blood plasma, lowering the 'bad' cholesterol (aka LDL), and helping in the treatment of benign prostate hypertrophy as well as other problems associated with the condition of an enlarged prostate.

Acai Berry And Anti Cholesterol Meds – Does It Help Or Hinder The Effects?

The Brazilian berry from the rain forests

Acai berry, the new natural super-food to recently hit the headlines, is being hailed as a “jack of all trades” wonder food. It is hardly surprising when you go through the list of ingredients that are naturally present in this little dark purple berry found only in the rain forests of Brazil.

A berry full of wonder

At the risk of boring you, let’s run through what this giant of a super-food actually contains behind that dark purple skin.

Acai for the Prevention of Osteoporosis in Celiac Disease.

Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become less dense than normal. In osteoporosis, the bone mineral density is significantly reduced, bone micro architecture is modified, and the amount and variety of non-collagenous proteins in bone is muddled. The decreased density makes the bones more fragile and more likely to break. In fact, most people are not aware that they have osteoporosis until they sustain a fracture.

Celiac disease on the other hand, is an autoimmune disease of the small intestine that typically occurs in genetically predisposed people of all ages. Symptoms include chronic diarrhea, fatigue, ataxia and peripheral neuropathy. However, the disease tends to be asymptomatic in some cases.

Antioxidant Properties of Acai

What are free radicals?

Free Radicals are produced by the body due to exposure to harmful elements in the environment like:

· Smoking ( second-hand smoke included )

· Eating salt-cured, pickled and smoked foods

· Daily eating of different kinds of food with preservatives like tocino

· Artificial colorings

· Engine exhaust

· Exposure to UV radiation of sunlight

· Exposure to heavy metal products of fossil fuel combustion such as nickel, arsenic and lead

· Exposure to pesticides

Can Acai Berry Help My Kidney Stones?

For anyone who is suffering or has suffered from kidney stones, you know how painful and uncomfortable it can be. You probably have tried different medications or prescriptions to try to bring you some relief. Unfortunately, you have probably been disappointed by the results. There is something completely natural and healthy that you can try to remedy your kidney stones without an expensive prescription – Acai berry.

Beware of Free Trial Acai Berry Scams

Scammers always try to capitalize on the latest fad, and they are very good at it. These are intelligent people who unfortunately focused their wits on the wrong direction…you! One popular scam involves the acai berry. This is not surprising because acai is making quite a buzz amongst health enthusiasts around the globe. Scammers quickly took advantage and jumped on the opportunity. What we have now are lots of bogus and cheesy websites in the Internet offering free trial of the acai berry.

Can Acai Cure Your Insomnia?


What is insomnia? What causes insomnia? How to avoid this kind of condition? Does Acai fruit cure Insomnia? These are just few questions we have in mind. I am in no doubt that this article could be helpful for you!

Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders. It is characterized by inadequate sleep quality as well as its quantity. People with this kind of sleep disorder have one or more of the following insomnia symptoms: difficulty falling asleep, waking up often during the night and having trouble going to back to sleep, waking up too early in the morning, feeling tired upon waking up, sleepiness during the day, and lastly irritability and problems on focusing or with concentration. Moreover, this can cause you to feel anxious, depressed or restless.

Healing Arteries Naturally with Acai berry

For people who suffer from problems of clogged arteries, it seems as though everyone is pushing medications and prescriptions on you instead of trying to heal the problem naturally. You may have even tried various types of medicine or prescription drugs and still have not been able to address the problems with your arteries.

The Acai Berry Solution

The good news is that there are natural and healthy ways that you can treat yourself without having to rely on putting unnatural substances in your body that could come with more potentially dangerous side effects that you may have realized. What is the amazing new holistic treatment? It actually is not new at all – it has been used for centuries by people as a natural cure and treatment for all kinds of ailments and for promoting health. It is the Acai berry. You have probably heard about this remarkable fruit that packs more antioxidants and nutrients than any other fruit, but you may not know what it can do for you and your arteries.

Managing Weight Loss With Acai’s “Low Glycemic Index” Factor

Keeping fit is one of the most challenging tasks one can embark on. With all the diseases emerging as a result of obesity, it is wise to lose some weight. However, these things are easier said than done. It takes a strong will power to stick to a weight loss regimen. Keep in mind that although it may be difficult, having your desired weight is possible, and it starts with keeping abreast with the effective weight loss measures available.

Glycemic Index

The glycemic index is the ranking of carbohydrates and their effect on blood glucose or sugar levels. The carbohydrates in your food are converted into glucose. Some carbohydrates are immediately converted to sugar; hence have a higher glycemic index. The slower the conversion into glucose, the lower is the glycemic index.

Phystosterols In Acai Found To Reduce Bad Cholesterol

You always hear the word cholesterol and associate it with bad health. You are told to avoid diet high in cholesterol if you want to live longer. Yet, you don’t have an inkling of what it really is and how it affects your body. If you want answers, read on to find out what is bad cholesterol.

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fatty substance produced in the liver. It is not totally bad as it sounds. It performs several functions in the body. Among these are being a structural component of the cell membrane and nerve fibers, are precursors of steroid hormones, vitamin D and bile acids, and break down carbohydrates and proteins.

Reversing High Cholesterol With Acai

Most Americans eat hamburgers, pizza, French fries, fried chicken, and other fast food items because it is an easy and quick lunch or dinner. With all the fast food chains popping up all around us it makes it even harder to resist. Doctors are constantly telling us to watch our cholesterol because the higher our cholesterol the higher chance we have of developing serious health conditions.

What is Acai Berry?

The new natural super-food

Acai Berry is being hailed as the latest super-food to hit the natural health market. It is a natural, organic berry that is found deep in the heart of the rainforests of Brazil where it grows on the top of Amazon Palm trees.

However, beware of the scammers. As with any new product that hits the market and creates a huge demand, it’s not long before the scammers are sharpening up their knives. There are already many complaints hitting the market about sites selling product that has little or no Acai content, rendering it useless. Of course these crooks are selling it for top dollar and are making a fortune in the process whilst the demand is till there.

Acai - A Great Aid For Digestive Disorders

The foundations of health lay in the digestive system and stomach. If these parts of your body are in disrepair, if it they are not functioning at their peak, then you too are in disrepair, then you too are not functioning at your peak. The reason for this is simple: your stomach prepares the food you eat to be absorbed into your body and the intestines are what does the absorbing. It is the system with which food becomes energy, and how vitality is maintained in the body.

Acai Vs. Mangosteen

Acai or Mangosteen, which supplement is best for me? This can be a bit confusing as the two do seem similar is some ways. The key to which supplement is right for you lays in what you're trying to fix. That said, there's nothing wrong with taking both together. In fact, when taken together acai and mangosteen enhance each other. The only thing you have to make sure of is that you get a proper product, like that sold by Natural Home Cures. However, if you only want to take one supplement, the following is quick comparison of some common problems and which one product would be best for it:

Acai – A Natural Remedy For Insomnia

Insomnia or sleeplessness has become an epidemic in today's high-pressure world. More and more people are finding themselves unable to sleep and are turning to prescription sleep-aids to help them get a good nights rest. It seems that sleep is yet another casualty of the 'modern lifestyle'.
While prescription sleeping aids may seem like a magic cure for insomnia they often make the problem worse in the long run. People find themselves becoming dependant on a pill to get them to sleep and what's more, the medication begins to lose efficacy as the body becomes use to it. This means a higher dose is needed to get a good nights rest and with that phenomena comes the ever present chance of an overdose.